Attorneys at law at BGHP – Berger Groß Höhmann Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwält*innen mbB
(* Partner)

Thomas Berger*
Labor Law
Industrial Constitutional Law

Sebastian Höhmann*
Certified specialist for tax law (Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht)
Certified executor of wills (AGT)
(International) Law of succession
Inheritance tax law
Corporate succession law
Corporate Law

Dr. Johannes Groß, M.A.*
Care Law

Thomas Ebinger, LL.M.*
Labor Law
Industrial Constitutional Law
IT law

Uwe Nawrot*
Labor Law
Industrial Constitutional Law

Karin Büchling*
Labor Law
Industrial Constitutional Law

Wolf Klimpe-Auerbach
Labor Law
Industrial Constitutional Law

Nele Marie Kliemt*
(International) Law of succession
Corporate succession law
Corporate Law

Dr. Katharina Wandscher, MLE*
Labor Law
Industrial Constitution Law

Benedikt Pilgermayer
Labor Law
Industrial Constitutional Law

Stephanie Törkel*
Labor Law
Industrial Constitutional Law