- born 1980 in Remagen
- Studied at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University, Bonn
- Mandatory legal traineeship at the District Court of Koblenz and in Prague
- Attorney at law since 2008
- Independent with a registered office in Cologne and Berlin
- Legal officer of the union “Verband akademischer Akademiker und leitender Mitarbeiter der chemischen Industrie eV” (VAA) “, Berlin
- joined the law firm BGHP – Berger Groß Höhmann Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwält*innen mbB in 2010
- Partner since 2012
Fields of expertise
- Labour law
- Works constitution law
- Legal consulting of works councils
- Training of company, general and group works councils
Karin Büchling represents exclusively employees and co-determination bodies.
For any further information please consult our Web page at:
Contact me!
You can reach me through our offices in locations in → Berlin.
For an initial contact by email or phone and to make an appointment, please contact my secretariat:
Ms. Kerstin Danz
+49 (0)30/440330-20 | buechling(at)
- „Sonderöffnungen, Sonderschichten und Sondereinsätze – aus Sicht des Betriebsrats“
Lukas / Dahl (Hrsg.)
Participation in social affairs
working hours and holidays
media law and economics in Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH; 28.10.2016; Edition: 1
- „Arbeitsschutzmanagement und rechtliche Grundlagen“
Article in the 44th Supplementary Delivery of the Practical Handbook „Arbeitsschutz besser managen“ by TÜV Media GmbH in August 2013
- Arbeitsschutzmanagementsysteme
Article on the occupational safety management systems, compliance and co-determination in the “Zeitschrift für betriebliche Prävention und Unfallversicherung”, issue 2/2012.